Employee Benefit Scheme
With you every step of the way
Free Will Writing
Our free Will writing service has been designed to encourage more people in England & Wales to
write a Will. Over half of the population do not have a Will and our research shows this is mainly due
to cost, a lack of understanding and a general confusion on how to access a professional service.
Our Free Will Writing Service eliminates the cost, educates and makes Will-Writing accessible to all
that have employment through an organisation or business that joins the programme.
We would now like to introduce our exceptional service to your organsation.
Partner Organisations
Here are some of the organisations currently included in our service

What We Believe
We believe that making Will writing accessible through our free Will writing
service will create long term relationships with our clients. Our number one
priority is providing an exceptional service so our clients want to return to us
in the future when they need further legal or financial advice such as...
Trust Drafting
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Estate Administration
Inheritance Tax Advice
Financial Service Advice
Insurance Advice
Often times, we also benefit from our clients referring their extended families
and friends to the service, who would also qualify for a free Will due to their
association with our client.

With you every step of the way!
Once your staff members have access to our free Will writing service, they will be able to book their appointment online through a unique web address that will be tailored to your organisation, and in just 3 easy steps, they will have their families protected. Appointments can also be booked through the usual traditional methods.
What Can You Do?
Staff Communications
Once you have joined the programme, you can communicate to your staff members through your internal systems that they now have full access to the staff benefit. Our marketing team will provide you with content, brochures and leaflets (digital and hard copy).
Book A Workplace Presentation
You can book a face to face presentation. Our experienced Business Development team can visit your workplace to present to your staff the benefits of our service and having a Will in place.
Book A
You can book a webinar at a time that suits you. Webinars are 30 minutes per session and specific to your organisation. This provides new and existing staff the opportunity to come along to the session to find out more about the service.

Get In Touch
Donna Byrne
Head of Business Development